RUNTIME.TXT Version 4.0 January, 1996 ***** Major Improvements in Version 4.0 *) Support for 3 line JBIG compression and decompression This is a lossless compression scheme that compresses binary images better than CCITT G4 compression. It is available as a compression in TIFF files, or as a .JBG file. Try it out using PixView demo, and see for yourself. *) A file reader/writer for PDF (Adobe Acrobat) files has been added. It has writing and limited reading capabilities. *) IBM MODCA file format support. *) PIXDFLT is now localized to Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Swedish. To find out more about PixTools localization, read the file LOCNOTES.WRI (Localization Notes). All Fujitsu SCSI scanner drivers are also localized to these languages. *) The area dialog in PIXDFLT has been updated. It will let the application show a preview scan in the dialog, and let the user select an area on that preview. To find out more about the new area dialog features, look at the source code for the MView sample program. Specifically, look at the code in the IDM_F_SETSCANPARAM case in the WndProc function, and look at the MpAreaCallback function. Both of these are in SRC\SAMPLES\MVIEW\MVIEW.C. *) CHW Permission files for Windows '95 apps can now be placed in paths with long directory names. *) The same application can now use PixRegister with up to five customer strings. This is only for use with customer applications that use modules from other Pixel Translations customers. The permissions available for each customer string are combined. *) The 32 bit Pixel File drivers are able to open files from paths specified as HTTP:// or FTP://. (Internet access) S) We have added support for the following scanners: AGFA SnapScan AGFA StudioStar Lino-Type/Hell Saphir Bell & Howell 1000FB, 1500FB BUIC 1000 check scanner Canon GP 200 Canon MS 400, MS 500 (microfilm reader) Canon RFS 1000 (microfilmer) ECA Intelliscan Envision 6600S, 8800S, Dynamic Pro 3.0 Envision ENV 6100, ENV 8100, 24 Pro Fujitsu M3099GH, M3099GX Fujitsu ScanPartner 600C HP Scanjet IIcx, 3c, 4c, 4p Mictrotek ScanMaker E3, E6 Minolta MS 3000, PS 3000 Nikon AX 100 Nikon Scantouch 110 and 210 Panasonic KV-SS25, KV-SS50EX/55EX/60EX/65EX Photomatrix 5010/5015/5025 scanners through Seaport interface Polaroid Digital Scanner CS-500i Ricoh IS430 Ricoh V25 ScanOptics 7800 Xerox DocuImage 620S S) Long scans (toilet paper scanning) are now supported through the Kofax driver for Fujitsu scanners that are capable of that feature. S) Endorser support for the Fujitsu 3099A and Bell and Howell scanners through the Kofax driver has been added. V) Transparent support for Cornerstone Image Accel 3 display card. V) Enhanced annotation functionality - New annotation tools: Arrow tool - draws a straight line with optional arrow heads at the ends of the line. Box tool - draws rectangles. Bitmap stamp tool - choose a BMP file, and stamp it onto your image. V) Support for Wang annotation format. The PixTools annotation libarary can read TIFF files with annotations created by Wang's Imaging for Windows '95. V) Annotations now display in panning windows. V) PixmRectPaint can use the currently selected palette (for those of you who want to realize your own palette). Bitwise OR the constant PIXM_CURRENT_PALETTE with your dwOptions parameter to PixmRectPaint. (Instead of a PIXM_PALETTE that your app created) ***** Important Note PixTools products are now released with a Runtime Diskette. The Runtime Diskette contains the DLLs, ISIS drivers (PXWs, PXNs), and PIXIF drivers (PXIs, PXJs). When fixes are made, updates will be made to the Runtime Diskettes, and those will be available for updates to customers. ***** Note PixTools/View comes with a control panel applet to set caching and other options. The 16 bit Windows install program will automatically copy PIXMDLLC.CPL to your Windows' SYSTEM directory. The 32 bit Windows install program will copy PIXMDLCN.CPL to your SYSTEM32 directory if you are running Windows NT, or it will copy PIXMDLLC.CPL to your SYSTEM directory if you are running Windows 95. If you choose 'install to create your own installer', the 32 bit Windows intall will include both files so that you can include them both in your installation. ***** Libraries Windows: PIXMDLL.LIB Main imaging DLL PIXMPDLL.LIB Multi-page caching library PIXTIFF.LIB PIXIF image file I/O PIXDFLT.LIB ISIS interfacing (file I/O, scan, etc) PIXLOC.LIB Localization library PIXPAN.LIB Pan window PIXMDLG.LIB Floating display parameters dialog box PIXNOTE.LIB Annotation library Windows NT: PIXMDLN.LIB Main imaging DLL PIXMPN.LIB Multi-page caching library PIXTIFFN.LIB PIXIF image file I/O PIXDFLTN.LIB ISIS interfacing (file I/O, scan, etc) PIXLOCN.LIB Localization library PIXPANN.LIB Pan window PIXMDLGN.LIB Floating display parameters dialog box PIXNOTEN.LIB Annotation library ***** Include (Header) Files PIXM pixm.h main pixtools/view library PIXMP pixmp.h multipage caching library PIXIF pixif.h image file I/O (only needed to explicitly call PIXIF) PIXPAN pixpan.h pan Windows library PIXMDLG pixmdlg.h settings dialog PIXNOTE pixnote.h annotation library ISIS pixdflt.h (likely needed even if you don't use ISIS directly) ISIS pixloc.h localization library Many of these include files automatically include other files. Remember to set WINDOWS=1 for Windows, WIN32=1 for Windows NT, and OS2=1 for OS2 programs. For most compilers, this can be done with something like "-DWINDOWS=1", or you can simply put "#define WINDOWS 1" in your source before including the header files. ***** List of Files to Ship There is a list of files to ship when distributing your application. This list is included in rt(16/32)send.txt (Files to Ship) in the PIXTRAN directory. ***** Recent Changes Not all recent changes have made it into the manual. We have included a set of ms-write files with the Windows version of this package which describe the enhancements. (Most of these enhancements are only available under Windows so far). Future versions of our manuals will include this information. The files can be found in \PIXTRAN. ***** Known Problems ** General Saving a BMP file with Pixlatew/n.exe will result in an upside-down image. In NT 4.0, if the application uses new CHW/N's created by the version 4.0 toolkit with older versions of PIXDFLTN.DLL and PIXPERMN.DLL (e.g. from the version 3.12 View toolkit), the application will get Scan permissions but not View permissions. ** Scan We could not get the Ricoh 520 scanner to function properly with the Adaptec 1522 SCSI card under Windows NT. It returns the message "Scanner control software detected error". The 1522 card works fine with the Ricoh 520 under Windows 3.1. When scanning a batch with the Ricoh 410 in NT with ScanAhead turned on, the scanner doesn't eject the last page of the stack. The downloadable gamma feature in the Ricoh 410 doesn't actually apply the gamma curve to the image in both Windows 3.1 and NT. Backside Brightness on the Ricoh 520 cannot currently be set in Windows 3.1 and NT. Cancelling a batch scan with the Canofile 510 (CANOFILE.PXW) will sometimes return an "Aborted SCSI command" error and cause the application to lose communication with the scanner. If a paper jam or other time-out error occurs on a Jetfax4 (JETFAX4.PXW), the user has to re-select the scanner several times in order to re-establish communication with the scanner. Selecting scanning with halftones at 300 dpi with a Xerox 3002 scanner will return a "Can't decompress image file" error, and the scanner cannot be reset. Separate scan parameters for different regions are not saved for the Bell & Howell RSC interface scanners (BELLHOWL.PXW). Cancelling a batch scan on Bell & Howell RSC interface scanners (BELLHOWL.PXW) may occasionally cause the application to hang. Selecting a dither pattern for scanning on a Ricoh 410 scanner (RICOH410.PXW) may cause a black or white image to be returned. The Default button in the Scanner Parameters dialog for the Fujitsu 3099 with Kofax interface doesn't reset the page size to its default value. Scanning with contrast set to 8 on the Fujitsu 3099 with Kofax interface yields an empty image. Scanning on the Microtek ScanMaker IIHR (MKTKPNR.PXW) with non- standard dpi setting and width less than 8.5" will result in an image that duplicates the actual image as many times as the width is divisible by the length. Suspected to be a firmware problem. Using the auto-examine Barcode feature on a Fujitsu 309xE scanner with Kofax interface may occasionally cause the scanner to not respond to scan requests. Setting Y-Position on a Fujitsu 3099A with Kofax interface to be a value other than 0 does not affect the area scanned. Turning off power to a SCSI scanner during a scan may cause the application to hang. Scanning 24-bit color in resolutions higher than 800 dpi on a HP ScanJet IIcx (SCANJETX.PXW) may result in application crash. This is believed to be a problem with the Pixel viewing library (PIXM). Scanning in 3-bit color may result in incorrect images if you use the Pixel viewing library (PIXM). The Bell & Howell Remote SCSI Controller (RSC) has known problems communicating through the Adaptec 174x (EISA) and 164x (MCA) controllers. There are no known work-arounds for the 164x series cards. On EISA machines we recommend using the newer Adaptec 274x controllers, or using a 154x controller in place of or in conjunction with a 174x controller (in either case, use ASPI4DOS.SYS). We have successfully tested with 152x, 1542B, 1542C, 1542CF, and 2742 controllers. HP now includes support for ASPI-compatible SCSI cards. While this generally works well, we have experienced difficulties using the HP with the Adaptec 1522. ** View Not all annotation highlight colors work correctly on ImageAccel drawn images. Merging annotations with image data only works if the data format of the destination file is less than or equal to the monitor depth. For example, you cannot merge a 24-bit file on an 8-bit monitor. Binary files will always work. Clicking in the middle of a text annotation with the text tool active places the I-beam cursor at the front of the text instead of at the actual position clicked. When using the XipPrint print accelerator, you will not be able to put any additional graphics or text on the printed page other than the accelerated image. To avoid this, you can use PixmPrintJobSet and set TAG_MIXGRAPHICSANDTEXT to 1. This will allow you to put an accelerated image on the page along with other text or graphics. Doing this runs the risk of the accelerated image of the first page of the print job overlaying on the last page of the previous print job. To avoid this - if you are mixing acceleration and text or graphics, do not use a print accelerator. An ImageAccel 1 card in Compatible mode has troubles displaying color images with the pan window and settings dialog when using DDBs. Switch the Image Accel driver to enhanced mode using the ImageAccel control panel, or use the PixTools control panel to turn off the Use DDB check box. With a display card in 24-bit mode or 16-color mode, 8 bit images displayed with the view as gray option and the invert option at the same time will not be inverted. Displaying images with several Matrox drivers causes crashes in the driver. Pressing the ignore button seems to succeed. We are investigating the problems. Grayscale images saved in JBIG compression format will result in an image with two black lines at the top and the last two lines of the image discarded. ***** File Drivers We recommend that you don't use the old drivers for file reading and writing listed here: F_JTIFF F_JTIFF2 F_PCX F_PDA F_SPEC PCXPACK PDAPACK TIFFPACK PIXWRITE You should use F_PIXIF to read and PIXFPACK to write. F_PIXIF will read all file formats that the toolkit supports. It will not decompress image data. PIXFPACK can be used to write any PIXIF-supported format by first setting the desired format using PixTagSetLong to set TAG_FILETYPE (see PIXIF.H for TAG_FILETYPE values). IMPORTANT: The file drivers set the page description tags (like TAG_IMAGEWIDTH or TAG_COMPRESSION) before you transfer the data (before RunZone) so you can correctly process the data you are receiving. If you were reading a multi-page file, these tags change at the end of each page in preparation for the next page. This means that, in order to read a multi- page file, you need to get these tags out BEFORE reading data. The old file drivers would leave these tags set after the last image in a file. The new file drivers do not. Always read the page description tags before transferring data. This will work for single or multipage files.