Note- When preparing your application, make sure you thoroughly test your application on a "clean" system before shipping in order to make sure all required DLL's and other files are present. Application files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Kit When to send this file with your product: --------- --- ----------------------------------------- YOURAPP.EXE Of course, your application must be sent #YOURKEY#.CHN(CHW) Send your permission file - created with makeperm.exe You should send a CHW file instead if you are using the PixTools/Scan for Windows/32-95 toolkit. Use makeperm.exe to create a CHW file. DLLs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Kit When to send this file with your product: --------- --- ----------------------------------------- PIXBBN.DLL Both Never. This is used only by PixView Demo. PIXDFLTN.DLL Both Always PIXDLGN.DLL Both Only needed if your application is based upon Smplview or MView code. Used for common open and common save dialogs PIXJBGN.DLL Both If you want to support JBIG de/compression PIXLOCN.DLL Both Always PIXMDLGN.DLL View If you use Pixel's view settings dialog PIXMDLN.DLL View Always with every View application PIXMPN.DLL View If you use the Multi-page Caching library (PixmEnvNew) PIXNAMEN.DLL Scan If you use Pixel's naming schemas PIXNOTEN.DLL View If you use Annotation PIXPANN.DLL View If you use the Pan window library PIXPERMN.DLL Both Always PIXSLN.DLL Scan If you use Pixel's scanning loop control PIXTIFFN.DLL Both Always WIAEXT32.DLL View Always with every View application PIXN12.DLL View If you use JPEG at all PIXN1012.DLL View If you use JPEG and install on an NT machine PIXN1112.DLL View If you use JPEG and install on an NT machine PIXMDLCN.CPL View Always - this allows Windows NT users to turn on/off DDB usage, turn on/off Accelerators, set #pages to cache, and switch print accelerators. Windows 95 section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Kit When to send this file with your product: --------- --- ----------------------------------------- PIXTHK32.DLL Scan If you do scanning under Windows 95 PIXTHK16.DLL Scan If you do scanning under Windows 95 PIXDFLT.DLL Scan If you do scanning under Windows 95 PIXPERM.DLL Scan If you do scanning under Windows 95 PIXLOC.DLL Scan If you do scanning under Windows 95 PIXMDLLC.CPL View Always - this allows Windows 95 users to turn on/off DDB usage, turn on/off Accelerators, set #pages to cache, and switch print accelerators. ASPI32 Section - Only for use with PixTools/Scan for WindowsNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- These files will install ASPI32, which is need for 32bit scanner drivers from Pixel Translations (PXNs). Your installer can install the following files, and then execute ASPIINST, or notify the user that they should run it. File Name Kit When to send this file with your product: --------- --- ----------------------------------------- ASPIINST.EXE ScanNT When you ship 32bit scanner drivers APIX_.VX_ ScanNT When you ship 32bit scanner drivers ASPI32.SY_ ScanNT When you ship 32bit scanner drivers ASPIENUM.VX_ ScanNT When you ship 32bit scanner drivers WINASPI.DL_ ScanNT When you ship 32bit scanner drivers WNASPI32.DL_ ScanNT When you ship 32bit scanner drivers WOWPOST.EX_ ScanNT When you ship 32bit scanner drivers PIXIF Files Drivers -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Kit When to send this file with your product: --------- --- ----------------------------------------- PIXBMP.PXJ Both If you support BMP files PIXCALS.PXJ Both If you support CALS files PIXCMP.PXJ Both If you support Discorp files PIXIFTIF.PXJ Both If you support TIFF files PIXJBIG.PXJ Both If you support JBIG files PIXJPEG.PXJ Both If you support JPEG files PIXMODCA.PXJ Both If you support MODCA files PIXPCX.PXJ Both If you support PCX or DCX files PIXPDA.PXJ Both If you support PDA files PIXPDF.PXI Both If you support PDF files PIXTG4.PXJ Both If you support TG4 files Conversion drivers -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Kit When to send this file with your product: --------- --- ----------------------------------------- BMP2RAS.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly BMPCOMP.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly DOUBLE.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly: stretches vertical axis of binary uncompressed images by a factor of two G32RUN.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly G42RUN.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly JPG2RAS.PXN View If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly PACK2RAS.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly PACKBITS.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly PAD16.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly: forces two-byte padding of image data PCX2RAS.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly PCXCOMP.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly PCXCOMPN.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly PIXINV.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly: inverts image data PIXREV.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly: bit-reverses data RAS2JPG.PXN View If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly RAS2RUN.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly RAS42JBG.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly RAS82JBG.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly RUN2G3.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly RUN2G3M.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly RUN2G4.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly RUN2JBG.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly RUN2RAS.PXN Both If you use PixAutoPipe or you load this driver explicitly ISIS File drivers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Kit When to send this file with your product: --------- --- ----------------------------------------- F_PIXIF.PXN Both If you read image files from disk PIXFPACK.PXN Both If you write image files to disk ISIS/PIXM Transfer Drivers -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Kit When to send this file with your product: --------- --- ----------------------------------------- FROMPIXM.PXN Both If you load this driver explicitly PIXMISIS.PXN Both If you load this driver explicitly Miscellaneous Drivers -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Kit When to send this file with your product: --------- --- ----------------------------------------- RAS2CLIP.PXN Both If you load this driver explicitly - copies raster data to the clipboard Drivers not to ship -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Kit When to send this file with your product: --------- --- ----------------------------------------- SHOWDIB.PXN Both Never. This driver is provided only as a simple method for ScanTest to display the results without having to use PixTools/View. The method which SlowView uses to display is provided in source and is far superior. PIXSTORE.PXN Both Never. This driver is provided only as a simple method for ScanTest to store image data for reuse. The display and store methods which SlowView provides in source is far superior. Scanner drivers -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name When to send this file with your product: --------- ----------------------------------------- other *.PXNs Ship only if you desire functionality for the particular scanner which this driver supports in Windows NT. Remember that a CHN file needs to be present which contains permissions for the group of scanner drivers which you distribute *.PXWs Ship only if you desire functionality for the particular scanner which this driver supports in Windows 95. Remember that a CHW file needs to be present which contains permissions for the group of scanner drivers which you distribute OTHER PLATFORMS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some examples to show you how the file names change for each platform DLL ISIS Driver PIXIF Driver Windows 16 bit PIXTIFF.DLL FROMPIXM.PXW PIXIFTIF.PXI Windows 32 bit PIXTIFFN.DLL FROMPIXM.PXN PIXIFTIF.PXJ